We’ve Identified Four Challenges Common to Every Church

Leading With Vision

Managing Change

Developing Leaders

Invitational Experience
We want every church to be a place that effectively connects people to a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Leading With Vision
Managing Change
Developing Leaders
Invitational Experience
At no cost to your church, we offer leadership cohorts for pastors and their teams, sharing principles that have been proven over time to help churches overcome challenges with vision, managing change, and leadership development. We also offer site visits and custom coaching according to schedules that fit your timing and needs.
Churches from every denomination are welcome to participate, and there is no formal application process. The EBA invites churches that are led by a pastor who is serious about reaching their community for Christ and has a board/council that is supportive of this mission. While many topics are covered, there is a strong theme of evangelism throughout each training. We recommend attending with a team of leaders—staff, volunteer, board/council.
All cohort sessions are free. The EBA is a ministry of Eagle Brook Church, and we're called by the Lord to serve other churches by helping them reach more people for Christ.
Cohorts meet at Eagle Brook Church campuses and host church sites throughout the United States. Check the schedule of upcoming sessions for location details.
Be Committed—Don't miss the sessions and complete any given assignments.
Don't Attend Alone—Bring key leaders with you.
Provide Regular Updates—Let us know how you're doing.
If you still have a question about the Eagle Brook Association, or if you need assistance with your account, we'd love to hear from you. Contact Us